€30 million federal grant
At their meeting on 26 November 2020, members of the German Bundestag’s Budget Committee agreed to provide a grant of €30 million for the renovation of the listed school and dormitory buildings Weiterlesen
€30 million federal grant
At their meeting on 26 November 2020, members of the German Bundestag’s Budget Committee agreed to provide a grant of €30 million for the renovation of the listed school and dormitory buildings Weiterlesen
The European School in Templin is becoming a reality
Hundreds of pupils will be able to attend a school that will allow them to explore the diverse culture of Europe and develop into committed Europeans. Weiterlesen
External support – Achieving more together
The experts on the Advisory Council advise the foundation team on an ongoing basis on pedagogical and construction-related issues. Weiterlesen
Braving unchartered territory
Founded in 2016, the charitable foundation Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches Gymnasium Templin is the organisation behind the est initiative. Weiterlesen
Full speed ahead
The staff of the project office of the foundation Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches Gymnasium Templin introduce themselves.
Our guiding principle is built on European values of peace, tolerance and culture. We will create a school that looks beyond the present day to consider the needs of the future. Weiterlesen
Ökologie sticht, Vorstand
Anke v. Arnim Freifrau v. Reitzenstein absolvierte ihre Schulzeit in Louisenlund in Schleswig-Holstein. Nach der Ausbildung zur Reiseverkehrskauffrau arbeitete sie einige Jahre Weiterlesen
Directly in Templin
The Friends’ Association of the Joachimsthalsches Gymnasium Templin, founded in 2014, is headquartered in Templin. Weiterlesen
Our goal
We have the unique opportunity to take up the tradition of the Joachimsthalsches Gymnasium and to revitalise it for the 21st century and beyond. Weiterlesen
Achieving more together
Recognised experts are supporting the project on a voluntary basis during the development phase.
Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches
Gymnasium Templin
Stiftungssitz / Postanschrift:
Prenzlauer Allee 28, 17268 Templin
+49 (0)3987 208 94 50
Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches
Gymnasium Templin
IBAN: DE83 1509 1704 3021 2409 57