Join In!
We offer many opportunities to take part. Become a partner, a patron, a donor, or join our donations fund.
Become a Partner
We are looking for people who can help the est to reach its target and want to contribute to the success of an important education project. At a time when it is paramount to work for European unity, when there are more and more counter-movements, we want to found the est – the first European school in Germany, as a bridge between eastern and western Europe.
Let us together create this place for the Europeans of tomorrow!
If you are interested please get in touch with us. We can work out individual options suited to your needs.
Become a Patron!
Perhaps you have fallen in love with the observatory, the new assembly hall, or the research workshop? You have the possibility to have your own name – or the names of people close to you or of people you admire – connected with a specific building or part of a building.
We would be pleased to present the various possibilities and find the building or building section that is personally suitable for you. Please contact us.
Become a Donor!
Join us – with the sum of money that suits you. Help to make this innovative education campus reality and to open the est in 2029.
Contribute to the scholarship fund!
Our intention is not to be an elitist boarding school, but a school for everyone. Our goal is to (co-)finance at least 50% of the places at the school through a scholarship fund. There are many possibilities here, and we would be pleased to advise you. Here are some ideas:
- Cover the costs for a partial or annual scholarship
- Support the entire school career of a young person (sponsorship), or
- Donate an amount of your choice, starting at € 100,000, to the fund
Your donation will be used entirely for the purposes of our foundation, which as a charitable organisation is exempt from inheritance tax (§ 13, Sec. 1 no. 16 b German Inheritance and Gift Tax Act, ErbStG).
Are you interested in donating in your will? »
Would you like to get directly involved? We recommend our association of supporters »
Frequent questions concerning donations »
Stine Peisl (acting managing director)
Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches
Gymnasium Templin
Place of business / Postal address:
Prenzlauer Allee 28, 17268 Templin
+49 (0)3987 208 94 50
Account for Donations
Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches
Gymnasium Templin
IBAN: DE83 1509 1704 3021 2409 57