Frequently Asked Questions about Donations
It doesn’t hurt – information for donors
Is my donation tax-deductible?
The Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches Gymnasium Templin Foundation is a charitable foundation, and as such enjoys tax privileges. Therefore your donation is tax-deductible in Germany.
What will my donation be used for?
Your donation will be used for the renovation of the complex of buildings of the former Joachimsthalsches Gymnasium and the construction of the est, from construction planning to the completion of the buildings. Organisational and administrative costs will also be proportionally covered. If you do not specify a donation purpose, we will use your donation where it is most needed.
Why should I donate for the renovation of the buildings of the former Joachimsthalsches Gymnasium and the foundation of the est?
By helping us now with your donation, you:
- take part in an exciting, forward-looking educational project
- help to build an outstanding educational campus
- contribute to Europe and educating the next generation of Europeans
- promote the region, as the est will be a medium-sized company with about 100 employees
- strengthen Brandenburg as a location of educational excellence
- help to preserve a cultural monument of national significance
- furthermore, your donation is tax-deductible, since we are a charitable foundation
Which account should I transfer my donation to?
Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches Gymnasium Templin
IBAN: DE83 1509 1704 3021 2409 57
Your donation will be used in its entirety for the purposes of our foundation, which as a charitable organisation is exempt from inheritance tax (§ 13, Sec. 1 no. 16 b German Inheritance and Gift Tax Act, ErbStG).
Who can I contact if I want to get involved directly?
We recommend our Association of Friends »
Will my donation be made public?
We are planning to make donations public. We will never do this without asking donors for permission in advance and gaining this permission in writing.
You have further questions?
Please contact us, we are glad to advise you:
Stine Peisl (acting managing director),
Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches
Gymnasium Templin
Place of business / Postal address:
Prenzlauer Allee 28, 17268 Templin
+49 (0)3987 208 94 50
Account for Donations
Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches
Gymnasium Templin
IBAN: DE83 1509 1704 3021 2409 57