The est in the ensemble of the former Joachimsthalsches Gymnasium in Templin is located in the Uckermark region – and in the heart of Europe. Here, young people from all over Europe will get to know each other, share views and perspectives, and live and learn together.
We are designing the est campus as an answer to the challenges of the future, the needs of our students and of society in a European context. Our work is based on state-of-the-art insights from research into education, the principles of the Humboldtian tradition, and the idea of a unified Europe. The students at the est come from the region and the whole of Europe, and learn together in the school and the boarding school. They form a strong community in which students support each other and are there for each other when needed. Using future-looking formats and spaces for learning, students get to know their European heritage, shape the future of Europe, and work for peace.
Life and learning on campus gives students the opportunity to responsibly organise their own learning with ideal support. Project-based, in-depth, and networked learning is paramount, taking place in cooperative and collaborative formats with the school community. The young people learn both at the school and at external locations, and they profit from modularised and flexible timetables and structures, facilitating asynchronous learning in analogue and digital environments. In the boarding school, responsible self-organised learning takes place within an international community. The est sees itself as an education and science campus where teachers and practitioners engage in debate about the future of education and of Europe. Innovation and tradition go hand in hand on campus.
The est will be closely connected with the region, inviting local people to events and festivities, commemorating Europe’s cultural heritage and taking it forward into the future. The students will also work in social service in organisations in the region. With its international connections to trades and crafts, culture, and science, the est campus has a wide-ranging impact.
The architecture of the campus combines modern design with the traditional buildings, and sits in harmony with the school’s natural environment. The buildings are equipped to the newest standards of education architecture, offering students ideal conditions for learning. At the same time, the use of natural materials and the integration of local businesses and trades ensures a strong connection to the region.
The est offers a broad spectrum of education pathways and qualifications. Students can acquire all the German middle and upper school qualifications – including a bilingual Abitur, and if demand is sufficient we will offer the International Baccalaureate (IB), which provides a secure transition to studies and professions beyond Germany.
Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches
Gymnasium Templin
Place of business / Postal address:
Prenzlauer Allee 28, 17268 Templin
+49 (0)3987 208 94 50
Account for Donations
Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches
Gymnasium Templin
IBAN: DE83 1509 1704 3021 2409 57