In our workshop series “Schools for the Day after Tomorrow” we addressed the opportunities and challenges for innovative schools and also explored possible scenarios for the est.
In autumn 2021 we wanted this to become more specific. What might the cornerstones for a framework school concept for the est look like? In order to include many different perspectives, we invited international experts from research and practice and also students to a workshop in Templin.
In addition to representatives of our foundation, the participants were:
- Helga Boldt, formerly at Neue Schule Wolfsburg
- Nelly Braune, student, formerly at Pforta, now at ESBZ
- Dr. Richard Eaton, Berlin International School
- Cornelia von Ilsemann, formerly in the administration of schools for the city of Bremen
- Dr. Karl-Heinz Imhäuser, Montag Foundation
- Anouschka Kuschnerus, graduate of UWCD 20
- Noel Minkner, student at ESBZ
- Prof. Dr. Anne Sliwka, University of Heidelberg
- Damien Vassallo, Louisenlund
Barbara Stockmeier and Monika Eichinger, Initiative Neues Lernen und Neue Oberstufe Berlin
After the ideas workshop, we discussed the results with many further practitioners in schools and boarding schools and incorporated their input. We thank everyone involved for their time and their commitment to finding the best solutions for the est.
Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches
Gymnasium Templin
Place of business / Postal address:
Prenzlauer Allee 28, 17268 Templin
+49 (0)3987 208 94 50
Account for Donations
Stiftung Gebäudeensemble Joachimsthalsches
Gymnasium Templin
IBAN: DE83 1509 1704 3021 2409 57